itenVia San Lino, 26 56048 Volterra (PI) +39 0588 85250

Museums in Volterra

Hotel San Lino ★★★★

Book your stay
at the Hotel San Lino,
in the historic center and discover Volterra

City of art with 3,000 years of history
Volterra città d'arte e storia - Ombra-della-Sera statuetta votiva etrusca, Museo Guarnacci

3,000 years of history

Volterra boasts more than three thousand years of history

and offers three important museums which are open everyday of the year.

The staff of the Hotel San Lino will be happy to provide you with:

Tourist information

Tickets for Exhibitions and Events

Sites to visit in Volterra:

a village waiting to be discovered...
Museo etrusco "Mario Guarnacci" - Volterra

The Guarnacci museum houses a rich collection of Etruscan artifacts enhanced by a prehistoric and Roman section. There are more than 600 Etruscan cinerary urns on display carved in alabaster, tufa and terracotta; a splendid collection of coins, ceramics, gold jewelry, sculptures, tools, votive statues, bronze figurines and so much more.

Museo Civico e Pinacoteca - Volterra

The Palazzo Minucci Solaini, a remarkable example of late 15th century Renaissance architecture, has housed the Art Gallery since 1982 and exhibits splendid and exceptional works of art such as the Deposition by Rosso Fiorentino, the polyptych by Taddeo di Bartolo and the Pietà by Francesco Neri. The collection is enriched by sculptures, Medieval ceramics, medals and coins.

Volterra città d'arte e storia - Museo d'arte Sacra a Volterra

The museum exhibits works of art from the cathedral and churches of the Diocese of Volterra; paintings, sculptures, ecclessiastical vestments and objects of worship.

see also:

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